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Top 15 Healthiest Food that Taste Good

Health is wealth, being healthy you are immune to any kind of disease spread through the air, water and even in the food the you are eat. Healthy means it is a "State of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Health is a dynamic condition resulting from a body's constant adjustment and adaptation in response to stresses and changes in the environment for maintaining an inner equilibrium called homeostasis. To make physically healthy you must take regular exercise and eat enough proper foods like the top 15 post below of healthy foods.

Now for this top fifteen article, we are showcasing some of the Healthiest Food that taste good. Have some time to read and checkout the 15 listed Healthiest Food below. Enjoy!

Top 15: Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes


Sweet potatoes are a nice alternative to regular potatoes. They're loaded with beta carotene that can help keep your immune system in overdrive

Top 14: Oranges


A single orange gives you all the vitamin C that you need for a whole day. It also has a lot of bioflavanoids and fiber that will keep you healthy.

Top 13: Garlic


Garlic adds flavor to just about any dish. Luckily, it can help people keep their blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check.

Top 12: Mushrooms


Mushrooms are low in calories, plus they have vitamins C, D, B6, and B12.

Top 11: Potatoes


Potatoes contain more potassium than bananas. Just don't deep dry them or drown them in butter. They're healthiest when baked.

Top 10: Olive Oil
Olive Oil


You don't have to give up flavor to become healthier. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which is actually quite healthy when eaten in moderation.

Top 9: Beer


Beer is loaded with antioxidants and can actually help you hydrate better than water. Unfortunately, the health benefits start to fall quickly after your second one, so drink in moderation!

Top 8: Tomatoes


Known for its lycopene, the tomato is thought to be good for the heart, and preventative for certain cancers.

Top 7: Almonds


Another super-food, almonds have Vitamin E, good fat, and lots of other minerals and vitamins.

Top 6: Beans


Besides making you more musical, these friendly legumes have a crazy amount of soluable fiber and protein.

Top 5: Spinach


One of nature's "super foods", and loaded with calcium, iron, and Vitamin A. Throw it into every salad and sandwich you eat.

Top 4: Blueberries


Packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals (stuff that fights cancer), and a long list of micronutrients.

Top 3: Avocado


Tons of fiber, and lots of "good fats" that lower cholesterol.

Top 2: Quinoa


This lesser-known grain is a complete protein as well as high in fiber. It was a main staple of South America for centuries.

Top 1: Salmon


Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which make it good for your heart and your brain. Salmon is considered a "gold standard" for clean meat-based protein, with "good fats", and low in cholesterol.

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Please be noted that the top 15 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top fifteen lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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